yacht-about-usThe 12 metre Yacht Development Foundation (“12 metre YDF”) was established in 2006 in Greenwich, CT for the acquisition, restoration, and preservation of historic America’s Cup 12 metre yachts and their racing heritage. The Foundation’s goal is to foster appreciation of the rich maritime history behind the 12 metre class by providing the “hands-on” thrill of sailing actual 12 metre America’s Cup yachts. The Foundation’s philosophy is to maintain these proud yachts as working boats in order to make them available for use by a wide variety of groups, including local sailing enthusiasts, members of the public, corporate patrons, schools, charitable events, youth sailing programs and yacht clubs.


Sail, Match Race and Signature Events Opportunities are open to volunteer and participate in all of our program activities including > l2m acquisitions, restoration, and preservation activities, sail clinics, match racing, helm, crew and team building, leadership or being a part of creating signature corporate or cause-focused experiential events that inspires and transform in a way only our America’s Cup l2m yachts can provide..

The America’s Cup 12m Learning Experience

Want to take it up a notch? – We can provide signature team gear for lasting memories embroidered with our 12m logo and marks to display proudly long after the sail is over.

Like a Photo Shoot? – We can direct our photographers and film crews –on dock, on board, in ZODIAC chase boats, or in the air to follow or stage your 12m experience on the water.

Need adjacent Meetings, Catering, Accommodations and Signature Events? – With the exclusive dock side Delamar Hotel www.thedelamar.com and adjacent Restaurant L’Escale www.lescalerestaurant.com you can further embellish your America’s Cup l2m experience or event at any preferred level of service!